Open Positions at Anime Sharing
This is a list of all the little jobs that are needed to be looked after presently.
Those positions are possible to modify. If you would like to help us out, contact us via e-mail to, or One of us will get back to you as soon as possible
I. Work concerning the Yahoo Group
1.) Mailing list:
- delete Spam messages + ban the Spammers.
- check potential spam messages + approve/reject them
2.) Database organization:
- add Animes, that are requested via mail to the Request Table
- update the concerned Anime request record if the Anime request has been filled or partly filled by an upload
- check the restricted direct links of its validity
- delete expired links from the database
- collect the lost files title
- make a weekly/monthly (depending on you own free time) report to the group announcing these files with the request to re-upload the links
- look after the Fansub Group and file type if the Anime is not *.avi (or *.mp3 concerning the music files). There are people who really want to collect the subbings of one single group because of preference.
- check the table with the mailbox uploads
3.) Links section:
- look after it and delete spam links
4.) Poll section:
- take care of it (i.e. close old polls and delete expired ones)
II. Work concerning the Wiki (Direct site)
1.) Anime Section (Moderator):
- add the new links
- add new Anime series information
- update Anime information
- check download links
- cross links to related music/games that were uploaded/added
2.) Music section (Moderator):
- add new links
- add artists information
- add CD information
- update existing information
- check download links
- cross links to related anime/games that were uploaded/added
3.) Game section (Moderator):
- add new links
- add game information
- update existing information
- check download links
- make game guides/walkthrouths or add links to some
- cross links to related music/anime that were uploaded/added
4.) Review writing:
- write a review of an artist or a review and/or summary of an anime/drama... to submit to us
~ Review Artist: includes discography and biography (maybe pictures)
~ Review Anime/Drama: includes number of episodes, Opening/Ending Theme, Genre and more
5.) Links only pages (Moderator):
- keep the pages up to date
6.) Updates Archive (Moderator):
- move old update messages from the front page to the archiv (twice a month)
7.) Links to other pages (Moderator):
- keep up to date (i. e. add new pages with direct downlaods, file sharing... / delete invalid links)
- keep list of file hosts up to date
III. Other work
1.) FAQ (Moderator):
- take care of the FAQ (add new questions/modify old) - good english knowledge is needed
2.) Rules/Staff page (Moderator):
- keep rules and staffs page up to date
3.) Regular uploaders:
- upload Anime/Music... on a regular basis -> recieves special credit on staff page
4.) Uploaders:
- upload anything you have and share the links with others (all group members should help if possible)
5.) Normal Members:
- keep the group alive by posting in the yahoo group
- add comments to the series/files you download from the wiki
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