
Final Fantasy XIII

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 5 months ago

Final Fantasy XIII


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Info:FF13 is an upcoming console role-playing game developed and published by Square Enix exclusively for the Sony PlayStation 3 as a part of the Final Fantasy video game series. First appearing at E³ 2006, the game features a futuristic, high-tech world. Only two characters have been revealed thus far: a woman, with the code name Lightning, who wields a weapon which functions as a sword and a firearm; and an unnamed, giant man who is her ally.
Story:The world of Final Fantasy XIII is based in a government-controlled floating fortress called Cocoon defended by advanced technology and the one who controls that government is run by a man named Oric. Those cast out of Cocoon are placed into the world below, called Pulse, which is plagued by monster attacks. The crystals are said to give men and women the power to change their destinies and shape the world as they dream of. In fact, the crystals were previously used to control the citizens of water to work against their own will. The citizens of water joined with the government, asking for firepower and defensive maneuvers.


TrailerFinal Fantasy XIII TrailerAVIAkatsuki038
Trailer 2Final Fantasy XIII TrailerWMVElayne

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